Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Yes, you heard correctly. 
Husbands work gave out free tickets to
the premiere of Captain America...
the movie I've been dying to see..
and free..
heck to the yes!!
We're really into Marvel movies, call us crazy
but they are always done extremely well, always clean and 
they always leave us wanting more! 
I hope we have at least one boy because we will be the coolest parents
for superhero lovers.
(you think i'm kidding but husband, the holder of all knowledge that is legit, knows like everything about every superhero and all the avengers, etc etc. gonna be the best daddy ever? yup.)

Bottom line- movie was AMAZE-ZING and you need to see it when it comes out
on the 22nd. You poor people have to wait! But it's worth it so get excited :)

p.s. special thanks to jordan for taking this pic on kimballs iphone in the middle of a movie theatre...with the movie critic man sitting right next to me (well..with a chair in between..apparently even though the movie is packed and people are wanting in the man gets three chairs to himself...psh, selfish. I feel like someone who doesn't want to be annoyed with other people during the movie would understand that clicking your pen over and over and over again IS annoying! just saying.)