Friday, August 12, 2011

i'm loving on..

You know the clearance jewelry sections that you go through for like an hour?
Okay, maybe that's just me. But I always leave with something I adore and I love to try to look at the jewelry as a starting point. Like today I found this great necklace at Kohl's for 60% off and though the first thought to enter my head was "i really hate those little disc things..and that one is broken.." I knew I had found my fixer-upper. After spending ample time in the rest of the store (I love kohl's. call me ghetto, don't really care because kohl's seriously rocks and you cannot beat the crazy deals they have) I finally returned home and snapped those cheapo little discs off in two seconds.
I am loving on diy fixers that really take no effort at all.
And I am most definitely loving on crazy deals on almost-great jewelry!
So thank you Kohl's, I will come again.

p.s. completely off topic--except that it happened at kohl's--i found a poncho..yeah, a poncho. and i got it. i still don't know how i feel about it, i mean i love how it looks but just knowing that it's a poncho kind of grosses me out. just the word poncho makes me feel weird. am i alone in this? does anyone else think 99% of ponchos are hideous? or are we, as a society, loving on this blankets-as-shirts idea. (not that ponchos are new..) 
anyway, i want to hear what you think. i'll wear my new...poncho *said with a pained face* soon and post pictures.

p.p.s. i just decided i'm going to refer to my poncho as a raincoat because even though it is shear and would do me no good in the rain, raincoat just sounds cuter. problem solved. 


  1. ponchos are definitely not very glam. but i am positive you could rock one. ps. i love you and i love following your life.

  2. did you take your poncho picture off my wall! p.s. i love YOU and miss you and love stalking you and your cute husband and beautiful babby! next time im in az i need to meet him :)
