Friday, March 4, 2011

the kimball dictionary.

i have the best husband.

this morning was sort of stressful..well at least i made this morning sort of stressful.
you know those mornings that you are flustered but have no idea why?
that was this morning.

but kimball, being wonderful, was as sweet as ever and didn't question my sanity though he probably wanted to
that is just one reason i have the best husband ever

the second (among thousands) reason he is the best husband ever
is because he leaves me the cutest notes in the cutest places!

like today..
i have a test that i'm sort of nervous about and after the melt down this morning
he knew i would need a little extra lovin'
so when i wasn't in the room he snuck this note card into my big pile i had made for my test,
knowing i would review them before going into the testing center

this is the front of the flash card...
and here is his definition of me :)
yup, best husband ever.

how can i do horrible on the test now?
because i am blessed.

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest thing I have ever seen. I'm going to tell Karl to do that but still act surprised. haha
