Monday, May 30, 2011

what to do

 i need a haircut, something different
but i get so nervous just thinking about it!
i've always had long hair and i've always loved it
i donated about 15 inches a couple years ago and DIED 
when it didn't grow right back

but now i'm realizing that my face sort of calls for a shorter do
(i have some chubby cheek issues..)
i also hate having the same hair as everyone in america
but i don't wanna go too crazy and chop it all off again and regret it

i hate making this decision :(
and i hate that i'm feeling this tug to cut my hair
right before summer starts!
you're supposed to have long hair in the summer it's like...a rule or something

so..should i chop it, trim a few inches off or leave it?
i've posted about this before months ago and, like promised, i'm still debating.
BUT i'm getting my hair cut before chicago so i only have 2 weeks to decide now!

so i'll do what i do best, make a list.
1.i like long hair.'s easy.
3.i know how to do it (tho i don't always love the way i do it)'s summer!
5.i possibly wont regret it as much if i just leave it the same

1.everyone has the same hair as me makes my face look fat (seriously, it does)
3.i can do a lot with it but i always end up doing the same thing because it's long and hard to handle sometimes
4.i need a change and boost of hair confidence
5.i possibly will regret leaving it the same when everytime a picture it taken i realize how chubby my cheeks look.

it's seriously ridiculous how much skinnier my face looks when it's short
and i envy people with short hair who pull it off
but can i give up the long hair?
i feel so lame for being so attached i just know how long it takes to grow back!
(if you've been my friend/roommate/family member for the 
last 2 years you know how much i longed for my long hair again)

just tell me what to do.
really though, please

because i am blessed.


  1. Girl, I just chopped all my hair off. Best.decision.ever! It's hair, it will grow back. I'm loving the shortness :) You look great no matter what length though!

  2. I'm all about short hair because I think it is easier - but if you don't mind keeping up long hair I wouldn't chop it off. You absolutely do NOT have chubby cheeks so that should not influence your decision. You have a classic oval face. I have no idea where you got this crazy idea that your face is chubby. I also don't think that everyone in America has hair like yours. In fact your perfectly natural loose curls are quite unique. Once you step outside of Provo you'll feel much more original so perhaps you should delay this decision till you're in Chicago.

  3. I should clarify, I know I don't have huge cheeks but there is a drastic difference when my hair is shorter and when it's longer and around my face. When my hair is long and away from my face it looks thinner but if I wear it down my face does look more wide. Which is fine I'm just ready for some type of change but Lindsey your comment is completely right; I think I'm stuck in LDS land where everyone either has super long hair or pixie cuts. I think I'll just get a trim this time and decide if I still just can't stand it a few months from now.
    Shelene- I know it grows back but my hair grows slower than it did when I was little ( I used to "trim" 6 inches off every couple months and it would grow back longer ) but it took my hair over 2 years to get back to not quite the same length as before. I don't have the patience to do it again so if I cut it I want to make sure I'll keep it fairly short. But I do love short hair, especially yours :)

  4. I literally just cut my hair today. Go for it! I'm in Europe for the summer and leaving for Egypt tomorrow and it's so much cooler for the hot months! Do it!! You always have gorgeous hair, no matter what length, so you really can't go wrong, but I'm a huge proponent of changing things up when you feel like it. P.S. your blog is so precious!

  5. Ok. I am about to end this madness. Here are my arguments:

    A: NO ONE HAS HAIR LIKE YOU. Let's see, America, how many of you have NATURALLY BLONDE LOCKS???? Not many. Ok, and NATURAL PRETTY CURL?? Not many again? Oh. Looks like your hair is unique Kelsey. Have you ever noticed how many people bleach their hair blonde? Clue: they are trying to be like you. And the curls that are in? Trying to be like you, again. You have a gift.

    B: Your cheeks don't look fat. Quit being so hard on yourself. I have never noticed a cheek-size difference based on your hair length. Only you would notice that about yourself. You're cute. I love McKinnon cheeks!

    C: Your heart broke when you cut your hair. Remember the nightmares?

    D: LDS land. It totally exists. I felt weird style-wise in Utah. Now that I am in AZ, I feel better about my hair and clothes. It's like the land of 'play-it-safe".

    E: Yes, you were cute with short hair, but your hot with long hair.

    This all boils down to one thing: Do you want to be a cute girl (short hair) or a hotty (long hair)?

    Both are good for different reasons.

  6. Blah, blah, blah.
    As noted above, I clearly love your hair.

  7. hahaha lindsee you are the best! i did trim it 3 inches but it'll grow back before i know it :) it's nice to have something different for the summer but it's so weird getting used to new hair that doesn't do what it used to! I'm going to keep it long and "hott" for a while longer :) love and miss you!
