Monday, May 23, 2011

rain rain go away

rain is not my friend sometimes.
like right now.
APRIL showers...
get it right weather man in the sky.

i pray the weather predictor people are 
correct and this nastiness will be gone
by wednesday. 
i really need the sun back,
i'm going into freak out mode
and i never wanted kimball to have to
witness that.

for now i will spend my days reading books
that i will eventually find out are awful
(ex: how can the first two enders game books
be A-MAZING and the third be so horrid?
i just spent the last couple of days finding
out it is very possible)

curse my inability to read a book
start to finish no matter what
(unless it's scandalous..)

i'm counting down the days
til my blessed sun returns and
our fun chicago life begins :)
until then i will continue to
countdown with (hopefully
better) books and my pilates
instructor from 1987
(thank you at-home 
workout vids)

feel free to leave me ideas for 
rainy day pleasure!


  1. You are so funnny. I'm sorry you're dying. You should make those and get some Uncle Ricos and divulge.

  2. kelsey, which ender's game did you read 2nd? we listened to the 1st one on the way here to indiana and loved it, but then we started on the 2nd one, the one with the piggies? we're like half way through and not in love, is that the one you read 2nd? and girl, i don't know how you're doing it there in chicago alone with no job, i'd go CRAZY! what are you doing to occupy your time? last summer i had a job in california while casey worked all day but i still went crazy bc i was at home by myself pretty much all day! have you read tuesdays with morrie? i just finished it and LOVED it, and have you read the help? probably, but just in case you hadn't, do read!

  3. i loved the first two (especially the first one and the parallel book called enders shadow-amazing) but the thrid one, xenocide is ALL conversation and philosophy and was 600 pages of people talking about concepts are the author made up to make the book make was not good and i am not a picky reader! I haven't read those books! Thanks! I love reading but never have the time so i'm getting it all done now hah we go to chicago in 3 weeks and the sun is supposed to return this week so i think i can make it! we need to catch up, i hope you two are doing great :)

    katter--thanks for the recipe i'll for sure be trying those out soon and uncle ricos...ohmg i need to go to costco!!

  4. I think you should head to the library and try to check out every movie they have that takes place in Chicago and spend your rainy days watching them. I would of course prioritize chick flicks like My Best Friend's Wedding and While you Were Sleeping but you should also review Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Fugitive, US Marshals,and The Blues Brothers to name a few.

  5. oh my goodness there really are a billion movies in chicago! good idea lindsey, so on top of that

  6. I'm making them tonight! and eating them after I work out/DURING the biggest loser finale hahaha. I'm using half wheat flour. justified.


  7. Oh hey April showers, you can go away now, seeing as IT'S ALMOST JUNE
    For reals
    Also, I am super jealous that you're going to Chicago. Pretty much in love with it
    Oh yes and I did find your blog through blog stalking. I'm happy that I did, though, it's darling :)

  8. and i adore yours! you are too funny christine :) i'm glad someone agrees with me about this rain but today has GLORIOUS sunshine! and chicago will be ama-zing--so excited. kat--rofl about the half wheat flour and EFF about biggest loser! gotta go watch it NOW!
