Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Birthday Husband!!

Kimball turned a quarter of a century old yesterday!
His parents got him a custom bowling ball a couple weeks early and since he is so into bowling lately we decided that would be the theme of his birthday. I'm not sure what it is but since being married I've turned into the party queen; I love planning and throwing parties. That doesn't always mean they are a success but I like to do it nonetheless. So we had a few of Kimball's closest friends over last night for a some goodies, games and glee {the feeling, not the show}. And we got to meet Tyler's (Kimball's best friend) fiance!! Double bonus. 

Top: Josh, Tyler, Kimball and Chad
Left: Kimball blowing out his candles (it actually does say 25, with 25 candles...i'm cheesy, get over it...but evidently we had wind in our home)
Right Top: Josh and Tyler rocking some Michael Jackson moves with PS3Move
Right Middle: Josh and Tyler still rocking the MJ
Right Bottom: Kimball showing off his best MJ hip thrusts

**Side note: getting the move was the best idea ever, we use it soo much and it's an instant party favorite. just sayin'.

Annnnd the goodies! 
Bowling ball cupcakes {yellow cake with chocolate frosting, because kimball is kimball}, 
Bowling pin chocolate covered pretzels {that actually look like tube socks but no one cared because they were sooo yummy},
Bowling ball and squiggly sugar cookies,
and Bowling pin rootbeer bottles {painted white with red electrical tape around the top}

Despite the few numbers at the party we had very little left over which made me very happy. 
It was a great day and a fun night celebrating 25 happy years of life with friends! 

I'm so lucky to have married Kimball, he is my very best friend, confidant and consoler and I can't even think of not spending forever with him. 

Happy 25th Sweets!!

because i am blessed.


  1. Wow. I'm super impressed. This is pinterest worthy. I want one of those pretzels - chocolate covered pretzels are the best!

  2. Hahahaha, tube sock pretzels. You crack me uuup! I thought they looked like pins. You Rock. happy b-day Kimball.
