Monday, June 20, 2011


Apparently I don't do stairs.
Well, that's not fair..I should say that I don't do stairs quickly.
The elevator in our building is always so slow so I generally 
take the stairs.
Today I was a tad bit late picking up husband so I rushed to the elevator
which decided to take it's sweet old time 
(as usual)
so I jogged to the stairs
and jogged down the stairs
and stumbled on the stairs.
I don't do stairs. 
I've always thought of myself as a graceful person 
but as I jimmied down those stairs I felt like a football player!
Not that I'm a big person, I just stomped like I was.
It must've been quite a sight, my legs wide apart my body hunched over and my face in a panic
to keep from stumbling head over heels (in the non-romantic way).
Anyway, I made it down the stairs and silently gave thanks that there were no spectators of this moment of mine. 

After husband and I got home we decided to go to the mall to browse and return something.
I came upon stairs, surveyed my surroundings, and after seeing I was clear for the go
I took my chance. 
This could've been dangerous considering it was granite and swirly 
but I was brave.

It turns out I'm not so bad on stairs when I'm going slow,
maybe that's the secret. 
Next time you see me I'll be elegant and smooth, with my legs neatly together and my face calm
much like I imagine this faceless woman with very graceful looking legs. 
 Anywho, funny story of the day!
P.S. just wondering..have you ever fallen down the stairs..? please share :)


  1. When do I NOT fall down the stairs? My g'pa calls me grace because I would fall down his everyday. I once slipped on mossy garden stairs in China and knocked myself out. At least no one saw ya, Kels :)

  2. Okay no one can walk down stairs that are all mossy! hah love you lene, be more careful!

  3. hahah! Picturing you looking like a football player trudging down the stairs :) I don't think that is even possible!

  4. I clearly remember that everytime I told the story of how I fell down my great grandmothers cellar looking for a lost dog on thanksgiving and knocking myself out that a certain someone DIED of laughter EVERY TIME hahahaha

  5. Well that obviously wasn't me mer because I don't find pleasure out of others pain (hahahaha, sorry!) and Em, I know it seems impossible but I'm telling you, I was pulling it off too well!
